Saturday, 1 August 2009

our home newcomer

we have a new family!! hahahahahahaha
we adopted a small dog was born for one month only.....haha......
one of my mother friend's friend's dog gave birth.....they get three puppies.......
my mother's friend knows that we are interested for a doggie, so she got one from them then gave us~~~ hahaha
just now he pee on the floor =___=" i mopped the floor in the morning only lo......
hahaha....i bet we need to make a lot of extra efforts because of him +____+
hope he will learn how to poo poo and pee pee very soon -________-

what should we name him ler????????


  1. He is very cute in fact...still a need to give him one month to adapt to his new home oh..

  2. i only hope he wun make any noise in the middle of the night lo...haha
